The Women Who Made Us Who We Are
Proverbs 31: 10-31
Hey Church! What woman has had a significant impact on your life? She may have been
your mother, a friend, a wife, a teacher, or a myriad of other roles and personas filled by
the female character. I don’t know who she is to you, but I know if you think about that
question for just a little while, it won’t take long to find an answer. Each of us has a
woman or women in our lives who have contributed to who we are in ways no man can
contend with. It’s not that men are any less significant but that both are created with
specific sets of skills to love each other and care for the community. The skills and
attributes of the different women in the Bible have had a significant impact on the
Gospel message in ways that we have often neglected in discussing. We must do our
due diligence and care for their stories as much as they’ve cared for us and the Gospel
since the beginning of time.
With that being said, we are starting a new series this week titled “The Women Who
Made Us Who We Are.” Our goal over the next several weeks leading up to Mother’s
Day is to focus on women throughout the Bible who have had a significant impact on
the Gospel. Each of these individuals filled specific roles that challenged us as believers
to live lives that are sacrificial and intentional. Some challenged leaders, one was a
prostitute, some fought battles, some were mothers, and some cared for Jesus. Their
stories are often read over as a supplement to other stories, but I beg to differ. Without
these women and their stories, we would not be where we are today as a church and as
disciples of Jesus. These are the women who made us who we are, and we are better
for them.
Keep The Faith,
Pastor Tommy
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